woman looking at her skin

5 Ways to Refresh Your Skin, Body, and Wellness

Refresh YOU This Year

With a new year comes the sense of a new you and a clean slate. Resolutions can help you stay on track with fitness, skin care, and wellness as well as give you goals to strive towards in 2019.

Here are five great ways to refresh yourself this year:
  1. Proper skin care
  2. Skin revitalization with PicoSure
  3. Our 30 day wellness challenge
  4. Tattoo removal or tattoo fading
  5. Laser hair removal to avoid the hassle of shaving

#1. Proper Skin Care

Proper skin care is one of the most important parts of maintaining great looking skin. At the Laser Institute of Pinehurst, Dr. Melley suggests these “must-haves” for maintaining healthy skin:

  • A gentle cleanser for your skin type
  • Topical Vitamin A
  • Alpha-Hydroxy acids
  • Antioxidants
  • Sunscreen (one that protects against UVA and UVB waves)

Depending on your skin type, you may want to rinse your face with warm water or use a gentle cleanser to remove any dirt and bacteria. Topical vitamin A, or retinoids, can help combat the damaging effects of the sun’s harmful rays and photoaging.  Alpha-Hydroxy Acids, or AHAs as they are more commonly referred to, can firm and brighten skin and improve overall tone by working to reconstruct collagen and elastin. In addition, they help exfoliate dead skin cells. Antioxidants, which you can get from fruits, vegetables and some grains, can protect against sunburns as well as help fight the signs of aging. Antioxidants help fight free radicals, which may contribute to certain diseases if the body cannot mitigate them.

Don’t Forget Sunscreen!

The sun’s damaging UVA and UVB rays are linked to wrinkles, premature aging and skin cancers. Therefore, it’s important to make sure you apply sunscreen before spending time outside and reapply throughout the day if you plan to be out in the sun for an extended period of time. In addition, you can help protect the delicate skin of your eyes with sunglasses and hats, which help block the sun.

#2. Skin Revitalization with PicoSure®

In addition to proper skin care, maintaining a healthy glow and smooth skin can boost your confidence. PicoSure® is a state of the art laser skin rejuvenation treatment that can remove unwanted age spots, acne scars and reduce wrinkles with minimal downtime. PicoSure is a safe, non-invasive procedure.

#3. Take Our 30 Day Wellness Challenge

Proper hydration promotes healthy skin and aides in digestion. For 30 days, challenge yourself to drink an adequate amount of water daily. To find out how many ounces of water you should be intaking weigh yourself in pounds and divide that number by 2. This will give you the number of ounces of water you should be drinking a day. Remember that exercise and other factors will impact your water intake needs. For 30 days, take a multi-vitamin and monitor how the combination of water and supplements has positively impacted your wellness and skin.

#4 Tattoo Removal

Over time, tattoos can settle and fade, making the pigments appear dull and blurry. Many people regret tattoos they had done many years ago and may choose to have them removed. Fortunately, PicoSure is the leading choice for unwanted tattoo removal. This device uses energy delivered in trillionths of a second to break up tattoo pigments which keeps the skin safe from damage and the patient more comfortable.

#5. Laser Hair Removal

Shaving can be a hassle. Unsightly razor bumps and ingrown hairs are always a risk if you shave often. Laser hair removal can thin, reduce and even completely remove unwanted body hair. The expert staff at The Laser Institute of Pinehurst are trained to use a variety of machines for laser hair removal.

Skin Care Cosmetic Treatments